How would it feel to be in a space where your reason for creating is already understood?

In The Roots

Together in process

Tell me if this sounds familiar…

😵‍💫 You’re fidgeting with your pen trying to finish (or just start) or morning pages telling yourself you “don’t know how” to write.

🎭 Feeling like you’re not showing up in your art and creations authentically, constantly getting stuck in self comparison feeling like you’re “not doing it right”, even though this was supposed to be fun

🐉 You’re spending time researching the best squarespace template and “how to start a creative biz” but all you’re finding is a lot of overwhelm.

🗑️ You’re over editing and second guessing your work trying to try and control how others will perceive it or feel about it – so when it is out in the world the vulnerability hangover hits.

🗂️ Finishing a creation and hovering over the “publish” button, then spiralling into self doubt because “when its not the right time for the algorithm anyway” and 43059 other reasons not to hit send, so you keep it in your drafts folder.

🔬 Researching and overanalyzing the “best way” to start your next project and getting suck in analysis paralysis – so you just… don’t start (or finish).

🤡 Ignoring the spark of inspiration because “it’s not the right time” while justifying why/why you’re not an artist anyway.

🧌 Feeling like you’re putting in the work, even hitting the milestones you want to be – but feeling ass awful and like whatever you do it isn’t enough.

If you resonate with the above list…same. Because the creative process is full of drama and conflama. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Your art, creation, spark you wanna share , whatever you wanna call it, IS THE MOST POWERFUL LIFE CHANGING SHIT. Fucking around, process, making mistakes, feeling like a failure, making a mess and trying for the sake of trying are all beautiful parts of the creative process that have been siloed away behind closed doors. Creation requires community. We are not islands. We are not meant to do this alone. We are In The Roots: Together In Process

In The Roots, Together in process.


  • Stack of sticky notes people

  • Creative humans with too many ideas and dont know what to do with them

  • Multi-hyphenate creators

  • Creative weirdos

  • Creative Business Humans

  • Aspiring Creative Business Humans

  • Artists that sell their art

  • Artists that dont sell their art

  • Artists that dont want to call themselves artists (yet 😉)

Trees cannot grow in the forest alone There is a connective fungus beneath the forest floor that connects trees’ root systems together by sharing resources across the forest.

In The Roots is for creators of all kinds to seek support, feedback and togetherness on our creative missions and journeys. We cannot create in isolation, but we can grow together.


Wanna talk with Phoebe about it? Have more questions? Book a 20 min brainstorming call to see what we could create together! 🪄


Here is my hot take: Online courses offer a one size fits all solution to your extremly unique creations!

BUT, The creative path is beyond the binary, the answers to “what makes sense” for you lies in the galaxy of feeling, sensation, values and dreams you hold.

Blending Feeling, your Vision for a new world and your Values together we craft the compass that guides your path through your creative journey, in a room full of people that already get it.

Creative STRATEGY that honours the context.

  • Content Creators

  • Illustrators + Designers

  • Teachers + Facilitators

  • Gallery Artists

  • Actors

  • Writers

  • Writers

  • Crafters

  • Aspiring Business owners

  • Creative business owners

  • Coaches + Educators

  • Artists that don’t know what they’re making…yet!

Current In The Roots members include…

“Phoebe is an amazing combination of knowledge and whimsy that makes group coaching sessions with her something I look forward to for both the wonderful personal insights I uncover, but also the sense of joyful and sensitive support.”

- Lisa Pfau, Academic coach

What People Are saying

In the Roots is a life line in the creative process. I've never come across such a judgement free, supportive community. The creative process is an emotional and messy process and this community makes me feel held every step of the way. Whether I need to run some ideas by someone or I need a place to vent about how terrifying and exciting the journey is- In the roots is here. It can be daunting to run your own creative business, but ITR makes me feel less alone.

 - Cait, Cycle Syncing Coach + Content creator

“Coaching with Phoebe made me realize I had these negative thoughts about myself and uncovered some beliefs I had around my work, that is the eye opening bit. In The Roots is the actual in the practise of the work. Consistently catching myself. Now I can have the same pride and feeling for myself I do for other people in the room. It's a chance to catch myself on those restricting patterns.” 

- Amy, illustrator and designer.


  • Listen, I am not in the business of telling you what to do. Like, ever.

    Check in with that inner-knowing the gut sensation, the same thing that tells you the tshirt isn’t the right fit and tells you want to order for takeout. *That* knowing. Ask that space inside you – if its a yes - jump on in!

  • Here is the thing. I fundamentally believe we are all artists. Like if you work at a big glossy building in a grey suit, you are an artist. If that is a title you don’t wanna claim yet, that’s not my business.

    BUT if you’re question is actually “I have an office job that isn’t creative” “I don’t make money selling my art” or “I never wanna sell my art” “I am not a conventional creative person” I am already excited and ready to work with you. If you have a little spark inside you to create something and usher it into this world, you my friend are an artist and creative person.

  • I surely do! We offer 3 subsided spots for BIPOC/Global majority folks a month. Please email for more info and get yourself in!

  • I love it! Maybe you want to paint 495823 painting and stack them on top of each other and never tell a sole, maybe you want to travel the world giving TED talks 5 times a day. Both are beautiful. Both are needed. Both will be celebrated here.

    I will also say, we do not shy away from the desire to want our art to fund our lives. So if its something you want, or think you want, you will be in good company 🥰

  • In The Roots operates in seasons, meaning we only open the doors a couple times a year and cap enrolment. I do not offer refunds on any of my services because of this, this is in place to hold boundaries for myself as a service provider living inside capitalism.

    When you sign up you sign a contract agreeing to the one year payment.